Teaching Portrait Drawing to Youth

I have recently been teaching portrait drawing to young artists at the Leduc Arts Foundry in Leduc, Alberta.  I’m going to be helping out there for the Youth Drop in on Tuesdays now and then. I’m also looking at running some workshops there focused on portraiture. I love teaching. I have had the privilege of […]

Ghoster Heights Graphic Novel Giveaway – Downloadable Colouring Pages

We’re giving away 3 copies of Ghoster Heights.To enter, download these Ghoster Height Colouring pages and follow the instructions below the images. GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG3 GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG2 GHOSTER HEIGHTS-COLORING PG1 To be entered into the giveaway, follow the instructions on the post @coreylansdell on Instagram or twitter This contest will run until Friday Nov […]

Ghoster Heights, the graphic novel distributed by Simon & Schuster


It’s happening, the story I co-wrote, Ghoster Heights, the graphic novel distributed by Simon & Schuster is nearing launch! It’s truly amazing to think that you will be able to go and buy this story that my cowriter, Kelly Mellings, and I have poured ourselves into over the past couple of years. What a great […]

IS THE PATTERN UNRAVELLING? Review of Season 1 of the Wheel of Time

As you may know, most fantasy stories follow a universal structure known as the hero’s journey. The structure looks like the following: the hero begins their life in the normal world, unforeseen circumstances invite them to consider leaving this world, they refuse the call, circumstances then force them out, they go into a new world […]

How to buy my prints

Since I’ve recently closed my ETSY shop here is how to purchase a Wheel of Time, Stormlight Archive or other fanart print by Corey Lansdell. If you’d like to order a print, you can click the link in my Linktree which allows you to pay via Paypal. You can ACCESS MY LINKTREE HERE or click […]


On May 27, the publisher Wonderbound released their lineup of kids’ graphic novels for 2022. Guess what? One of the books is one that I wrote. It’s been a tremendous collaboration with my friend and business partner Kelly Mellings. We co-wrote the book and have collaborated with Lisa LaRose on the artwork. She is the […]

Gull Lake Mural

This summer I had the privilege of creating a mural for Gull Lake Centre. The mural was to be in support of the 100th anniversary of the camp. But due to COVID-19 the celebration was postponed. It was uncertain wether the project would go forward or not. Thankfully, it did. The mural is very large. […]