Bending Through the Process of Publishing a Children’s Book

Nine weeks had come and gone, several attempts at communication went unanswered, the story had begun developing a thin layer of dust and my optimism wavered. Then, finally, on Friday last I made contact with my editor. *Phew* – deep exhalation. I can finally breathe again. I had a good, short, conversation with the editor […]

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Good day!Happy near end of summer! Hope you had some water fights this summer. It’s been almost 2 months since the last feedback I received from the editor. Since then, I did some reworks to the book and re-submitted my script to them, which was about 5 weeks ago. I’ve exchanged a couple emails with […]

Feedback From the Editor

It’s been a month and a half since I was in Toronto for the Toronto Comic Arts Festival.  Just over three weeks ago I delivered the rough manuscript and page roughs for SHELTER to one of the publishers we met while there.  An illustration I did recently for a client. I was able to incorporate the […]

Toronto, TCAF, Publishers – Oh My!

A week and a half ago now I touched down at YEG Airport sitting in seat 25E (I think) next to a wonderful human being, talented artist and constant inspiration. We had just spent the last 4 hrs writing the script and some panel breakdowns for an Intellectual Property we’re working on. (IP if your […]

The Long Road It’s been a great while since I posted on this blog. I just spent an hour fixing all the broken image links. So the site at least looks somewhat as it used to. This post is going to be very short. I’m back on the horse. I’ll be heading to Toronto in May with […]


Hello! I’ve been doing stuff. What stuff you ask? Voila: I’ve been reading. A great read on writing – I guess I’d say it’s been inspiring. I’m not sure that the progress of the writing was 100% a result of this book, however, it has given me much to think about. I’m still reading it. […]

Delusions of Grandeur

Esteemed friends. It is in moments of frustration that I sometimes find so much clarity. As I worked late last night, wrestling with a challenging illustration for a very large project I’m working on, I decided it’s time to get back on the Our 1984 wagon. It’s been my experience that my personality type leans […]


I sit here trying to work, as my 6 year old daughter, who ails with the stomach flu, asks me questions and shows me her drawings of bleeding dinosaurs. As I turn back to my monitor the ‘new email’ chime sounds and I go to my inbox. My work isn’t flowing right now any way […]

Limited Edition Prints for Sale

Victory March

Hey everyone. It’s been sooo long since I posted here. I come to you now with news of a special sort. On October first we opened our online store at (NOTE: The store no longer exists, but we are happy to take orders for prints by contacting us at The store is our portal […]

Things to Read

Hey everybody,It’s been over a month since my last post. It’s been a busy month! I haven’t had opportunity to work on Our 1984 but have instead been tremendously busy getting Pulp Studios off the ground with Kelly while managing client work for my other business Live Pixel Design. I’ve also had the opportunity over […]