Bending Through the Process of Publishing a Children’s Book
Nine weeks had come and gone, several attempts at communication went unanswered, the story had begun developing a thin layer of dust and my optimism wavered. Then, finally, on Friday last I made contact with my editor. *Phew* – deep exhalation. I can finally breathe again. I had a good, short, conversation with the editor […]

Hello! I’ve been doing stuff. What stuff you ask? Voila: I’ve been reading. A great read on writing – I guess I’d say it’s been inspiring. I’m not sure that the progress of the writing was 100% a result of this book, however, it has given me much to think about. I’m still reading it. […]
Delusions of Grandeur
Esteemed friends. It is in moments of frustration that I sometimes find so much clarity. As I worked late last night, wrestling with a challenging illustration for a very large project I’m working on, I decided it’s time to get back on the Our 1984 wagon. It’s been my experience that my personality type leans […]
Limited Edition Prints for Sale

Hey everyone. It’s been sooo long since I posted here. I come to you now with news of a special sort. On October first we opened our online store at (NOTE: The store no longer exists, but we are happy to take orders for prints by contacting us at The store is our portal […]
Temporal Flux

Hey everyone. No, I haven’t abandoned ship. I’ve just been rowing in a different direction for over a month. Unfortunately, I have nothing new to share with you regarding Our 1984. In light of that fact I thought I’d welcome you back on board with me by sharing with you what has caused this recent […]